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Van Gogh Monuments in Brabant

The Brabant period of Vincent van Gogh is still tangible and palpable everywhere in this region. No fewer than 46 locations have the official status Van Gogh Monument.

We have listed them below. Drive, bike or walk through our region and discover the Brabant life and work of Vincent van Gogh.

Van Gogh Monuments in Brabant - 46 physical memories

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25 to 46 of 46 results

  • Location rectory and first studio Etten

    Location rectory and first studio Etten Location
    Roosendaalseweg 4
    4875 AA Etten-Leur

    The building is no longer there, but a statue of Vincent marks the spot.

  • St. Catherine's Church

    St. Catherine's Church Location
    Catharinaplein 1
    5611 DE Eindhoven

    In February 1885, Van Gogh made a pen drawing that clearly shows a sketch of St. Catherine's Church.

  • Dwelling Antoon Hermans

    Dwelling Antoon Hermans Location
    Keizersgracht 15
    5611 GC Eindhoven

    Vincent gave painting lessons at the home of amateur painter Anthony Hermans.

  • Estate De Moeren - Buisse Heide

    Estate De Moeren - Buisse Heide Location
    Rucphenseweg 37

    Given the connection to the Dutch Reformed Church, it is plausible that the Van Gogh family visited the estate in Zundert.

  • Nune Ville

    Nune Ville Location
    Berg 24
    5671 CC Nuenen

    In House Nune Ville in Nuenen lives the Begemann family. Vincent has a love affair with daughter Margot.

  • Monument to Vincent van Gogh

    Monument to Vincent van Gogh Location
    thv Berg 44
    5671 CA Nuenen

    On the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of Vincent van Gogh's death, this monument is being created by Hildo Krop.

  • Old tower and cemetery

    Old tower and cemetery Location
    5671 DT Nuenen

    This is the old tower that Vincent saw, with peasant cemetery. He made as many as 35 drawings and paintings of it. At the remains of this old...

  • Rectory and garden

    Rectory and garden Location
    Berg 26
    5671 CC Nuenen

    The Van Gogh family lived here in Nuenen from 1882 to 1885, Vincent from December 1883 to May 1884.

  • Hostel

    Hostel Location
    Sint Annaplein 18
    5038 TV Tilburg

    Van Gogh lived with the Hannik family during his schooling at the HBS in Tilburg.

  • Mill The Vogelenzang

    Mill The Vogelenzang Location
    Molendreef 8
    5735 EP Lieshout

    Mill De Vogelenzang in Lieshout, built in 1819, was immortalized by Vincent in two drawings.

  • Mill De Roosdonck

    Mill De Roosdonck Location
    Gerwenseweg 2
    5674 SG Nuenen

    North of Nuenen, this mill stands in the open landscape. Vincent drew and painted the corn mill

  • Great Church

    Great Church Location
    Church Square 2
    4811 TX Breda

    Vincent van Gogh's grandfather - also named Vincent - was pastor of the Grote Kerk and the Royal Military Academy in Breda.

  • Birthplace, well and gable stone

    Birthplace, well and gable stone Location
    Market 26
    4881 CN Zundert

    On the spot where Vincent was born on March 30, 1853, the Vincent van GoghHuis now stands in Zundert.

  • Workshop Theo de Vries

    Workshop Theo de Vries Location
    Mountain 34

    Vincent regularly visits this place of contractor and carpenter in Nuenen. For example, to have a perspective window made.

  • Wallsteijn estate

    Wallsteijn estate Location
    Achtmaalseweg 158a

    The Protestant Van der Wall family was friends with the Van Gogh family.

  • Rijks-HBS Koning Willem II

    Rijks-HBS Koning Willem II Location
    Stadhuisplein 128
    5038 TC Tilburg

    Vincent van Gogh studied at HBS here between the ages of 13 and 15.

  • Studio and home at Schafrat family home

    Studio and home at Schafrat family home Location
    Park 51
    5671 GC Nuenen

    Vincent rents two rooms en suite on the first floor. Here he lives (over time) and in the back room he works.

  • Marienhof

    Marienhof Location
    Rijksweg 16

    The Van Gogh family visited here regularly, according to family letters. Vincent, too, knew the spacious villa in Helvoirt on the thoroughfare....

  • Dwelling aunts

    Dwelling aunts Location
    Old Rijksweg 34

    Vincent must have viewed the construction site in the winter of 1874, when he took an evening walk along the State Road. The house is intended for...

  • Dutch Reformed Church Leur

    Dutch Reformed Church Leur Location
    Square Van Bergen 1
    4871CD Etten-Leur

    Reverend Jan Gerrit Kam is a close acquaintance and colleague of Vincent's father. Vincent also attends the church.

  • Protestant church

    Protestant church Location
    Van Grevenbroeckstraat 2
    5268 AN Helvoirt

    Since February 1871, Vincent's father has been pastor of the reformed congregation in Helvoirt. Two drawings have survived.

  • Property The potato eaters

    Property The potato eaters Location
    Gerwenseweg 4
    5674 SG Nuenen

    During Vincent's time, the farm of the De Groot family stood here. In April and May 1885, he painted this family in The Potato Eaters.