City guides wanted

Are you also so proud of Etten-Leur and would you like to show and tell others about it? Then sign up now as a City Guide at the Tourist Information Point at Markt 4 in Etten-Leur!

As a guide you will let small groups of locals and visitors experience Etten-Leur. You will tell them about the history, you will visit beautiful monuments, special places and hidden gems. Because let's face it, as a resident or visitor of Etten-Leur you get to know just that little bit more when you are shown around by someone who knows the area and who can tell you all about it.

If you are interested, please send a message to
You can also call: 06-22115501.
Participation in the guide course is free.

Initiative: Tourist Information Point Etten-Leur in collaboration with the Vincent van Gogh Etten-Leur Foundation.
Content: Introduction, discussion of course material, on the road with an experienced guide.

Good to know:
Guide requests always take place upon request, both on weekdays and weekends. So you decide whether the chosen time is convenient for you or not.
A city tour lasts on average 1.5 hours.

Our city guides are:
-Have a sense of humor;
-Have good communication skills and are well understood within a group;
-Have some basic knowledge of Etten-Leur's history and culture;
-Have preferably knowledge of the English language. German is also nice to have.

We offer:
-A short training with Etten-Leur's finest know-it-alls
-Working in a fun team
-An annual outing