

Throughout the year Van Gogh Village Nuenen organizes lectures as an interesting supplement to a visit to Van Gogh Village Museum or, for example, as a substitute for a guided walk along the Van Gogh locations in Nuenen in winter. We provide the presentations preferably at your specified location in your community, for your company or association.

1. With Vincent through Nuenen
You will become acquainted in word and image with Vincent from Nuenen, who lived and worked for two years in this inspiring environment. In this presentation we 'walk' in his footsteps, as it were, along the still visible places he immortalized on canvas. You will hear fascinating stories about his stay of almost two years in Nuenen.
The duration of this presentation varies between 30 and 45 minutes.

The Potato Eaters2.
With The Potato Eaters, Vincent created his first masterpiece. It has become one of his most famous works. How was the work created, by whom was Vincent inspired, how was it appreciated then and later? In short, a fascinating history in words and pictures about a canvas, of which three versions exist!
The duration of this presentation is approximately 60 minutes.

3. Van Gogh in Brabant
Vincent van Gogh lived and worked in Brabant for more than half of his life. As such, he felt he was a true Brabander. Born in Zundert, he grew up in this region, received his education there and struggled with his ambitions and artistry. From Zundert to Zevenbergen, Tilburg; from Helvoirt to Etten and Nuenen, he followed his father's places of employment as a pastor. From youngest clerk in the art trade to school teacher, from bookseller to preacher, van Gogh was it all until he decided at age 27 to become an artist. From Drenthe, he came to Nuenen, where he lived, worked and produced a quarter of his total work from 1883 to 1885. Here he moved outdoors, painting landscapes, houses and mills, capturing the harsh life of peasants and weavers. Even in his French period, he would often think back to Brabant with melancholy and love. The lecture follows his fascinating Brabant period, with in between all kinds of restless trips to England, France, Amsterdam, Belgium and Drenthe.
Duration lecture: 1 ½ hours

4. Vincent van Gogh and the Nuenen weavers
Vincent van Gogh often visited home weavers especially during the first nine months of his stay in Nuenen. It was his first major theme. In the old weaver's houses he drew and painted at least 28 works on this subject. Vincent not only sympathized with these poor people, but was also deeply fascinated by the mysterious colors in these dark huts. This lecture will give you an idea of the works Vincent made of Nuenen weavers and the living conditions of these people. The lecture is a good introduction to a visit to the Van Gogh Village Museum.
The duration of this presentation is between plmn. 45 minutes.

5. Vincent in search of friendship: Van Gogh and his painter friends in The Hague and Nuenen
Vincent van Gogh was introduced to art and artists at an early age. For example, as a 16-year-old help in the art trade in The Hague, he learned about the painting of the Hague School. Later Vincent's friends from The Hague became his fellow painters and sometimes teachers for him: Théophile de Bock, Bernard Blommers, George Hendrik Breitner, Anton Mauve, Herman Johannes van der Weele, Johan Hendrik Weissenbruch. The well-known artist Anton Mauve, his cousin by marriage, was especially important to Vincent's life and work as an artist. Vincent saw his friends from The Hague daily; in their studio or Vincent's, outside in the dunes, at night in the cafes.
During his Nuenen period he met new painter friends in Eindhoven. With these deserving Brabant amateur artists he went out and painted with them in Nuenen, Eindhoven and the surrounding area. Vincent gave them instructions on composition and the use of tone and color. Anton Kerssemakers in particular was a valued friend of Van Gogh. The art friend Anthon van Rappard, whom he had met in Brussels, came to Nuenen twice in 1884 to paint with Vincent. Van Gogh Village Museum Nuenen owns a large collection of works by these Eindhoven friends.
The lecture gives a surprising and colorful picture of the artist Van Gogh.
Duration: 1 ½ hours

6 From parsonage to Van Gogh house *)
This presentation traces the fascinating and eventful history of the Nuenen rectory, which became known worldwide as Van Gogh House because of Vincent's stay in Nuenen. Illustrious predecessors and successors of Vincent's father, Reverend Theodorus van Gogh, occupied this parsonage. For example, Reverend Begemann, the father of Margot, who later became Vincent's lover. And after Van Gogh's star had begun to rise in the Netherlands and abroad, the beautiful house with its picturesque garden exerted great attraction on other artists. Some stayed and worked there for extended periods of time. There is a colorful story to be told about many of these temporary residents, which goes far beyond local interest.
*) lecture by Peter van Overbruggen: author of the book "van Domineeshuis tot Van Goghhuis, 250 jaar pastorie Nuenen en haar bewoners.
Duration of the lecture: 1 ½ hours

7. The Spirituality of Vincent van Gogh: From Evangelist to Artist
We know Vincent van Gogh as a painter, but not everyone knows that he was also an evangelist for a time. It wasn't until about 1880 that Vincent van Gogh decided to become an artist. Before that, he had intended to follow in the footsteps of his grandfather and father as a preacher. Growing up in a religious milieu, religion intrigued him immensely. However, he broke off a theology study in Amsterdam after a short time, disappointed. Then, from 1878 to 1880, he worked as a preacher among the miners in the Borinage. However, his Walloon superiors disapproved of his practical translation of Christianity as a social worker and sent him away. His choice afterwards to become an artist is a variation on his earlier vocation as a preacher. Especially when you see how driven he is in both situations. The lecture follows Vincent van Gogh on his spiritual trail, which runs like a thread through his life.
Duration of lecture: 1 ½ hours

8. The water mills and the old tower in Van Gogh's Nuenen period
In and around the municipality of Nuenen, Gerwen and Nederwetten you will literally walk in the footsteps of Vincent van Gogh and see the landscape, places and buildings he saw and recorded in letter sketches, on drawings, in paintings and watercolors. This lecture will focus on two subjects in the beautiful Dommel river basin in and around Nuenen. They are three water mills and the old tower of Nuenen: buildings that have been immortalized by Van Gogh and have thus acquired iconic significance. These are first the water mills of Opwetten in Nuenen, the Collse and the Genneper water mills in Eindhoven, and then the old tower of the former late medieval St. Clemens Church, depicted 33 times by Vincent. The lecture will discuss the background of Vincent's works in the Dommel area: how did they come about and what was the artist's motivation?
Duration of the lecture: 30 minutes

Information, reservations and bookings:
Mail: arrangementen@vgvn.nl