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3 results

  • Permanent Exhibitions Nuenen

    Permanent Exhibitions Nuenen Event

    until December 19, 2026

    Van Gogh Village Museum shows exhibits about Vincent and the Van Gogh family in Nuenen, the Painters' Friends and, of course, the creation of The aarda...

  • Vincents Lichtlab in Nuenen

    Vincents Lichtlab in Nuenen Event

    until December 19, 2026

    What is light and how does color work? In Vincents Lichtlab, you can discover for yourself the effects of light and color in a surprising way.

  • Appraisal days Art Dumay at Van Gogh Village Museum

    Appraisal days Art Dumay at Van Gogh Village Museum Paul Dumay valuation Event

    Wednesday, February 19

    Art Dumay is hosting an art appraisal day in February in conjunction with the Van Gogh Village Museum. You can have works of art appraised as well as visit the muse...