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St. Catherine's Church

Vincent van Gogh, during his time in Nuenen, regularly came to Eindhoven and Tongelre. He made contact with a number of people and created several works there. The drawing was made from the back of Antoon Hermans' home on Keizersgracht.

The back of the house gives an exact view of this corner of the church, which, like Herman's home, was built to the design of the famous architect Pierre Cuypers. After presenting Cuypers' design in 1859, it took until 1867 for the Roman Catholic church to be consecrated. The church with its remarkable double tower is a landmark in the center of Eindhoven.

Hermans has a special connection with the religious building: he is church master and donates and manufactures several valuables, including a remonstrance. Vincent presumably also draws the church in the background several times. He also receives piano lessons from the church's music teacher and organist Hein van der Zande.

During his walks through Nuenen, Eindhoven and the surrounding area, the painter had a small sketchbook in his pocket. A preserved notebook from the period November 1884 to September 1885 shows not only several sketches of farmers, but also several recognizable places. In addition to the Oude Toren, the parsonage garden and the St. Catharinakerk just mentioned, he also draws the St. Martinuskerk in Tongelre and the Waaggebouw on the Markt in Eindhoven - both no longer in existence. Tongelre was an independent municipality in Vincent's time; now it is part of Eindhoven. Sandwiched between Eindhoven and Nuenen with the Dommel and the Kleine Dommel as a natural boundary line, the area is characterized by moors and fens. At that time, Tongelre had many home weavers and small industry such as cigar factories. The weavers in particular were also a favorite subject for Van Gogh.


Catharinaplein 1
5611 DE Eindhoven
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