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Van Gogh Helvoirt

Van Gogh in Helvoirt

Vincent van Gogh and his family have a special connection to Helvoirt. Vincent visited Helvoirt on church holidays and birthdays. His father was pastor here from 1871 to 1875. In addition to Vincent's parents, brothers and sisters, several other relatives lived in this village. A number of buildings, graves and a State Bible still bear witness to the van Gogh family's stay in Helvoirt.


Experience Van Gogh in Helvoirt

See, do and experience in Helvoirt

Helvoirt, in the middle of the Van Gogh National Park, is well worth a visit. In the village you walk past various monuments and places that remind you of the time when the family Van Gogh lived in Helvoirt. Besides taking a nice walk on your own, there are also guided open walks on several Sundays!


Van Gogh NP Walk Helvoirt

In Helvoirt, follow the Van Gogh National Park walk. A beautiful walk (15 km), which starts at the Holy Nicholas Church (Kastanjelaan 16).


Info hiking trail

"Vincent shares his memories of Helvoirt with his brother Theo, August 1876 "

"And how friendly Helvoirt and the lights in the village and the tower between the snowy poplars looked that evening, seen in the distance from the road to 's Bosch.─ But it is love that gives it all such great beauty and life."